more random stuff/maybe I should stop thinking

Tell me, what was the first time you were taken to worship? What was the first time you were told to believe, and you blindly followed? What was the first time you questioned, or have you ever? You don't know anything, yet you believe everything that you are told. We have no true knowledge. We know so little about life, and absolutely nothing about what comes after. We can pretend and we can hope and you can pray, but in the end, there is only darkness and uncertainty staring us in the face, and it scares us enough for us to have faith in anything that soothes our troubled minds, be that a god or a prophet or a bottle of whiskey.

When will people learn that the purpose of life is to live - to live for yourself and make yourself happy. Because in the end, nothing else matters. In a thousand years no one will remember you, you have to accept that and strive to please only yourself to be truly free.


Pyro Isle Ink said...

I found it was easier to post a ranting "comment" on my site then on here where it probably wouldn't be seen

Because folks rarely take the time to leave comments or even lookit them :O